1.The flowers in the painting are bigger than the fresh one.
2.The flowers in the painting are more colorful.
3.More flowers are you in the painting.
4.There is a cup of honey water under the painting.
5.When the bee went straight intoa the room though the window,it can not see the fresh flower.
6.The bee is bored with the fresh rose.It want to know what kind of flowers in the painting and the flavour of the flowers in the painting.
7.The bee saw some bees in the painting.
8.The painter spilled some honey on the painting when he drawed,not on purpose.
9.The smell of pigments are smelled better and strongly.
10.The fresh rose is just a bud,but the flowers on the painting can be seen the stamens.
11.The creative painter use honey to draw.
12.The female bee fell in love with the male bee in the painting.