Tim Brown made some sentences and pointed out some views about tales of creativity and play on TED.
Firstly,the Adult fear the judgement of our peers and that we are embarrassed about showing our ideas to others.And this fear is what causes us to be conservative in our thinking.But kids are often the opposite.However,kids also will be more and more sensitive during their growth .So sometimes,we might have a wild idea but we are afraid to share with it anybody else .Share our ideas confidently.
Secondly,environment is important for designers.A safety place 、a sense of trust allow us then to take the kind of creative risks that we need take as designers .
When people feel relaxed,familiar with their surroundings,comfortable with their work mate ,they will create more freedom.And symbols remind people to be playful and is a permissive environment .
Third,we need trust to play ,we need trust to be creative ,there is a connection.Playfulness is important.Playfulness helps us get to better creative solutions .But Play is not anarchy .play has rules ,especially when it is a group play.Not just about How to play there are rules about when to play .Divergent mode we most need playfulness .While In convergent mode we need to be more serious.It is important to move between those modes ,you can not be both .
Finally,there is a series of behaviors that we are learnt as kids .they include exploration,which is about going to quantity ,building ,and thinking with hands and role play ,where acting it out helps us both to have more empathy for situations in which we are designing ,and to create services and experience that are seamless and authentic .